Mai Tais and Dentist Chairs

Ben’s sister is a dentist practicing in Texas. Yesterday, a patient sat in her chair and mentioned Mai Tais.

“My brother just published a book about Mai Tais,” she said.

“Everyone knows the best Mai Tais are on the Big Island,” the man replied.

“Funny thing, he just moved to the Big Island!”

It’s a true story that made us laugh quite a bit. You’ll have to read Ben & Jeff’s Pacific Adventure: Pursuing the Perfect Mai Tai to see if we agree with his analysis of the Kona-style Mai Tai.

Sales were strong over the weekend as we moved from #1712 in Hawaiiana books to just #62 this morning (that’s a substantial jump driven by sales). If you do read the book, please leave a review–that substantially helps our sales ranking.

If you’d like us to inscribe a copy of this or any of Jeff’s other titles as a holiday gift, please email him directly at Consider pairing our Pacific Adventure with Flocked and be sure to leave some rum for Santa next month. Mahalo!