How big is it (the new Mai Tai book)?

I’m always happy when people ask me about current or recent writing projects. Often, someone will ask how long it takes me to write, and I’m reminded of the scene in Sunset Boulevard when Norma Desmond asks washed-up Joe Gillis how big a movie script should be, “I mean, how many pages?”

“Depends on what it is,” replies Joe, “a Donald Duck or Joan of Arc.”

I agree with Joe.

Ben and Jeff’s Pacific Adventure: Pursuing the Perfect Mai Tai took two years of planning, researching, writing and editing. In fact, “writing” encompasses all those things, not just putting pen to paper (yes, I write most first drafts by hand). On the other hand, as you’d imagine, shorter books like Flocked or Put Your Toe in the Pacific only took about six months from start to finish.

I like writing in the shorter form, as I did with Flocked or Put Your Toe. I once went to a talk given by the writer Zadie Smith (White Teeth, Grand Union) who mentioned that the French have a great fondness for the novella form while Americans do not. I’m drawn to concise stories, the sort of thing you can read on a rainy Saturday afternoon. But, from time to time, I turn to longer projects like the Pacific Adventure or Flight School. I think I’ve learned to condense and fit big ideas into smaller packages from my time in the classroom but, as always, I’m curious to hear what you think. Drop me a note at and let me know your preference–a Donald Duck or a Joan of Arc? Also, take a look at our Pacific Adventure page at the Indie Book Store.

PS: for the record, I have both a Donald Duck AND a Joan of Arc in the works for 2023! Look for them (but don’t hold me to it)!

PPS: thank you for your Christmas orders for signed copies. I’m working on them and hope to have the first batch mailed before Thanksgiving. Want to give someone a signed copy? Maybe a Pacific Adventure for a tiki fan or Put Your Toes in the Pacific for a friend? Just email me and ask: Ho ho ho